Registration Fees

13-17 November 2017 - Royal Dublin Society, Dublin, Ireland

Registration fees for the Forum are quoted in the table below in EURO (€).

Register Now
Early bird registration rates no longer apply as deadline was Friday 25th August 2017

Full delegate (normal rate)


Low and lower middle income country (normal rate)


Day rate


Youth Rates:

Full time, non-salaried students and young professionals (normal rate)


Youth Forum Day Pass


The Youth Forum day pass is strictly access to the youth forum sessions only and does not give access to the pre-forum or main conference sessions.
To register for the youth forum only please click here.

Youth applicants are required to complete a pre-registration form available here.

Only delegates accepted by the pre-registration process are permitted to attend the Youth Forum.

Full Conference registration fees include:

  • Attendance at all Forum sessions and Pre-Forum events.
  • Attendance at the welcome reception on Tuesday 14th Nov 2017.
  • Tea/Coffee and Lunches on the Forum Days (Wednesday 15th Nov to Friday 17th Nov 2017).

*Day passes only permit entry to the date selected at the time of registration and does not give you access to the above. You will be provided with lunch on the day selected.

*Youth forum passes does not give access to the above. You will be provided with lunch during the youth forum.

Important things to consider:

  • For security purposes you are required to upload valid proof of ID during the registration process. Accepted documents include: scan of passport, drivers license, or national identity card.
  • We'd like to thank "This Is Living" driving and mobility non-profit organization for providing on-site transportation.
  • The rate for low and lower middle income countries is a subsidized rate intended for self-financing attendees from these countries.  The co-hosts of the conference have secured a limited number of these places and they are filling up quickly.  Please note:
  • To receive the rate for low and lower middle income countries, the country of residence must be listed on the World Bank low and lower middle income country list found here.
  • The age limit for non-salaried students and young professionals is 32 years. To receive this rate, a valid student ID or letter from the educational institution must be emailed to  Within 2 weeks of registration.
  • Those who wish to attend the Youth Forum must also register using this form

Terms & Conditions

All Registrations must be accompanied by FULL payment and must be received no later than 2 weeks after completing your registration. If you do not pay prior to arrival you will be required to pay via card in order to collect your name badge. Cash will not be accepted onsite.

Registration Cancellation Policy:
- Before Tuesday August 15th 2017- 100% refund of fees.
- Between August 15th - Monday 18th September 2017 - 50% cancellation penalty.
- After Monday 18th September 2017 - no refund.

Please send cancellation requests including the registrant’s name and the invoice number by email to . No refunds will be made for cancellations after this date or for non-attendance.

Badge Policy:
All attendees are required to wear the official 2017 Conference name badge to enter the Technical Sessions, Exhibits and the Reception. Delegates will be given their name badge on arrival at the registration desk. If you have not paid prior to arrival you will be required to pay by card in order gain access to the venue and talks. Cash will not be accepted onsite.

Camera, Cell Phone and Video Recording Policy:

Attendees are not permitted to take pictures of speaker slides or posters, or to make video recordings of presentations. Furthermore, attendees are asked to be respectful of their colleagues by turning off all cell phones before entering the session rooms.

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Fourth Global Forum on Human Resources for Health






